Community Collaborative for Mental Health (CCMH)

CCMH is a group of individuals from Austin, Travis County. Members are experts in their own areas. Some come with their own lived experiences related to mental health, others through their work, and some are researchers. Through inquiry, this group’s goal is to help improve mental health outcomes in Austin and Travis County. This inquiry seeks to, question old ideas, include the voices of underrepresented people, and make change that is informed not just by scientific evidence but also by the experiences of a range of stakeholders. These stakeholders include those who live with, support, and advocate for those living with serious mental illness. We aim to bridge the gap between community and campus members by providing a unique approach to the planning, conducting, and sharing of research results. CCMH encourages partnership between these two groups in this collaborative process. CCMH was created as part of the Eugene Washington PCORI Engagement Award.

Community-Engaged Research

Community-engaged research transforms how research is conducted, moving from research done on the community to research done with the community. When researchers and community members co-create a project together, the end product reflects, as PCORI Program Officer Courtney Clyatt stated, "research guided by patients, caregivers and the broader healthcare community. "This practice serves to address issues of importance to both community and researchers alike and begins first by identifying a problem together. Next, the partnership works to implement the project and finally, they create a dissemination plan for writing up and sharing the results not just in academic journals, but to community sources as well. Each step, planning, conducting/implementing, and disseminating (writing and sharing of findings) of the process is a collaboration. Community engaged research results in interventions that are relevant to the community needs, which means that they are more likely to be adopted and used.

Interested in community engagement? PCORI has several engagement tools to get you started.

Asian Family Support Services, AFSS

Austin Public Health

Community Campus Partnerships for Health, CCPH

Community Partner-Lived Experience

Con mi Madre


Hogg Foundation for Mental Health

Huston-Tillotson University

Institute of Chicanx Psychology

Integral Care

Migrant Clinicians Network


People’s Community Clinic

Private Practice- Mental Health Providers


The D. Wood Foundation

University of Texas-Austin and Dell Medical School

Our Partners and Collaborators

We want to acknowledge all of the wonderful individuals from various organizations that joined us in this collaborative